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A mix of native wildflowers that are perfect for butterflies! This lovely collection of mostly purple, pink and blue flowers is designed to attract butterflies to our gardens, balconies and window boxes and uses only flowers recommended by Butterfly Conservation. Each seed ball contains approximately 30 seeds from a mix of Purple Loosestrife, Forget-me-not, Musk mallow, Red campion and Yarrow, plus a sprinkling of pollinator-friendly annuals Chamomile, Cornflower, Corn marigold, and Night-flowering catchfly.
There’s no need to dig! As the seeds are encased in clay and peat-free compost, they are essentially already “planted”. Simply scatter onto bare soil or compost (avoid scattering on grass) on a garden bed or in a pot. The outer clay helps to prevent birds and insects from eating the seeds, keeping the seeds nicely protected and ensuring your butterfly friendly wildflower garden has every chance of growing success. There is also added chilli powder in the seed ball recipe to help deter slugs and snails from eating the young shoots.
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